In the land of the chronic sinus infections, I am king.
I dare anyone to contest this fact. Pass the Sudafed.
Before I checked out of society for the week, it was a nice weekend. Friday, Odessa Lil MCed her fist film premier at the Victoria Theater. I was a little worried about this gig since:
a) no one would be drunk
b) they were not serving alcohol at this theater
c) the audience of 400 did not have access to alcohol…
You get the idea. But how could I say no to Fred M. Banting and his awesome film SMOK’D? Well, it turned out that Odessa Lil can abuse audience members whether they are inebriated or not, so it all went off well. We asked some trivia questions for valuable prizes such as DVDs of Crossroads (the Brittney Spears version, not the one with the Karate Kid) and The Wiz, whipped some film nerds, heard some music from Thomas Medrano of Gypsy Cab (from Fresno, YO!)…and then watched Fred’s movie! Afterwards I had to hightail it outta there and over to Thee Parkside to catch The Flakes with The Husbands. I didn’t have time to take the Odessa Lil off and, consequently, no cabs would stop for me. What, like they haven’t seen a girl with a whip before?!
Saturday continued the Fresno-theme…
Lord Loves a Working Man (Max’s ex-Fresnan-Bolshevik take on 60’s soul) played a show with
Harold Ray Live (Denis is from Fresno. It’s true), and
BRIAN KENNY FRESNO! Yep, I even made Brett wear his
Fresno Famous shirt. I think he was really impressed with Brian Kenny Fresno’s musical rendition of the Bobby Salazar menu.
The rest of the weekend was spent discussing an article Brett and I had read on a strange artist commune/architectural experiment called Druid Heights. The name alone pretty much tells you all you need to know about that, but it was just such a 1960’s Marin sort of a happening. We also became obsessed the Vallejo houseboat, which was mentioned in the article. The Vallejo had originally been a ferry boat at the end of the 1800’s and was resurrected as a beatnik houseboat in the 50’s. It’s currently docked in Sausalito after massive renovation by a dot com millionaire. We found a
website that details its history. It’s amazing what can be saved from history. Generations loved and neglected it to death, and now it looks brand new. While sleeping for most of the past week, I had strange dream after dream about unusual living spaces. And then I woke up in a car hole.