
Moleskin Freakout Crisis Averted

Yesterday there were several hours of panic caused by the thought that I had lost my Moleskin notebook. This notebook has become a sort of Linus blanket for me when it comes to creativity. I write nearly every momentarily-brilliant inanity and nonsensical reminder that enters my mind in this notebook and therefore, when Im trying to think of something new, I believe I need that thing in my hand as a talisman of creative thought.

I almost cancelled a writers meeting with Chris last night because I had these horrified images of someone on the N Train reading through such content as:

"He named his dog Hairshirt."

"If my family wasnt so full of mental illness and physical deformities, I might have ended up a real snob too."

"...feeling like a shrimp plate at a Bar Mitzvah."

If they made it that far, the notebook would definitely end up in the garbage. BUT luckily order was restored when I got home and found it under my bed. And I actually made it through the meeting with Chris without it. Although, Im sure that having the meeting at Impalas Taco Tuesday ($2 tacos, dude!) helped. Maybe from now on I need a $2 taco in my hand to be able to think creatively. This could get complicated.