
People are just beginning to emerge from the massively entertaining hangover known as JIM's BIRTHDAY SHOW at the DNA Lounge Sunday night. InterNebbish has posted some snappy photos here .
It looks like he left before we blew up the DNA, though. Rose Pistola got hold of several thousands of ping pong balls so we could shower the DNA at the end of our performance of Strasnic! Strasnic! It looked like snow.

Here are some of Pat McCarthy's photos!
link: http://www.worldcrimeleague.net/2005-03-13%20Jim's%2040th%20Birthday%20-%20DNA%20Lounge/index.htm

The countdown to ping pong hell...

Rose distributes the ping pong balls...

Death to hecklers...

Eddie Dane and everyone's favorite gorilla, Gorilla X.

Today's Elephant Link:
This is the sort of thing that will play on ENDLESS loop in my brain! Thanks a lot, Ralph! I want an Elephant.