
What else is happening?

Brett and I have been recording a series of "radio plays" with the amazing folks of The Hermetic Order of Arcana. Not sure when those will be ready, but brace yourself for a thrilling set of 13 retro-futuristic tales full of intrigue and the supernatural. More on that one day soon!

I (Odessa Lil, I mean...) hosted the Big Top Magazine one year anniversary show Saturday at Julie's Supper Club. All kinds of indie circus acts, including a man named Chris Dunn who juggled some very sharp knives. Nicely done. Oh Carney Folk!

And the week prior was the awesome De Young Warhol Live party. I got to lay around on the magic couch as Nico and even introduce Amoeba SF's resident Velvet Underground band Nihilist Outlook and Grace. There's nothing like watching toddlers dance to "Heroin" and "Sister Ray." It was a real honor to be part of a De Young function! Here's to more KLASSY gigs! Yeehaw!

"Nico" and "Lou":
Nico and Lou