
I like to view the referral sites that feed into this blog...you know, to keep my finger on the pulse of what various misguided Google searches dump people out here in MeLand. Tonight, I discovered the most horrific one yet...somebody searched on the phrase "The Zionist Jews behind Oprah's Book Club" and found my site. WOW. If that were true, don't you think the book selection would be a little better?

If you missed last Saturday's showing of Mark Atkins' director's cut of EVIL EYES at the Roxy, then good for you. Mark and his print didn't make it on the plane and so the audience was shown a very rough cut, which was still way better than the version the studio released. First of all...my scenes appear in Mark's version! Also, Mark's sense of humor really shows through in his version, giving Udo Kier and Adam Baldwin a real purpose in the film. YOU can catch the screening of Mark's finished director's cut tomorrow...that's WED! 5pm at The Roxie. I'm hoping to head over after work and sneak in about a half-hour late.