
Today is my dad's 74th birthday...and I forgot!! Luckily, he called to remind me. He also said he can't believe that he'll be 80 in 6 years. Neither can I. In 6 years, I'll be 34...and an astronaut.

Tomorrow will be one whole year since SpeakEasily opened at The Mile High Club! I should have planned an anniversary show, I know. But I promise a SpeakEasily surprise in the near future...a SpeakEasily like you've never seen before! But don't worry...the girls will still take their clothes off.

AND speaking of anniversaries, this Thursday is Dark Sparkle's 6th anniversary party at Cafe Du Nord. I plan to head out there with Brett and maybe even Jose. They just posted some pictures from a Dark Sparkle from May 18th. Here are a couple of me and Jim...more like Dork Sparkle!

Sunday was SPINOUT! Everyone's favorite reason to start drinking early and play with race cars at The Riptide:

Brett, Mags, and Jaimie are ready to rumble.

Daniel and I get competitive.

See, it is bad for your health.

Brett was really excited that...

The martial arts guys showed up!

And Pat, Matt, Jose...and everyone else too.

The Riptide looks like a log cabin.