
Quote of the day, from Abdel Malik Ali, an imam affiliated with Oakland's Masjid Al Islam mosque, as quoted from his speech at UC Berkeley in an East Bay Express article on Berkeley's dwindling sense for tolerance:

"The Zionist Jews done really messed up," Ali said. "I'm talking about the Zionist Jews, not all Jews, not the Jews who are down with us -- because not all Jews are Zionists. I have to say that, otherwise I'll get called an anti-Semite."

Jews, Heebs, Kikes...lend me your ears. Are you down with us?
This is what Rob would call the appalling state of our peer group today. (Am I right Rob? Please feel free to reword the phrase for maximum Robness...) My Weimar guru Mel Gordon sums it up best earlier in the article:

"It's an obnoxious Berkeley tradition, bringing political agendas into the classroom. And since Berkeley always wants everything in the world to be about Berkeley, Berkeley wants the Israel-Palestine conflict to be about Berkeley."

When the world gets too heavy, look at really hot vintage pictures of Bellydancers and Harem girls.
If that doesn't work, try this extensive collection of Vintage Lovelies.
Or you could always survey the carnage of a pillow fight gone wrong! (Joe...this is really weird! I love it!)