
Today's Meditations:

: Huge collection of photos of silent film stars. Check out the awesome Theda Bara pages.

The Hebrew Hammer: It's good to see Andy Dick back in circulation...sort of. Thanks for this one Paul! And Desmond is going to tape it for me tonight. What a Mensch.

For those who are feeling as unmoored as I do these days: Online tarot card readings.

Dory says everyone should try this:
"go to google
type in miserable failure
click i'm feeling lucky"


I'm realizing more and more that when I'm lonely I hide. Today I wanted to walk around with a little cave over me. Sartre said that hell is other people. He was certainly right on with that one, but part of me somehow remains convinced that heaven is as well.

So in other news (I really have to get a new transitional phrase), everyone has their birthday in December. If you see Lisa or Ali or Woody Allen or Jeff Bridges, give them a cake. Last night's Tingle-Tangle (sorry for getting your spelling wrong before, Sol!) was a December birthdays celebration and Robin Coomer (of Loop Station fame) sang the swingingest version of Happy Birthday that I've ever heard.
Friday Nanos Operetta played a packed house at Galia. They wore matching suits and played like maniacs (the good kind). Max and Ali promised that some time in the future Nanos will perform in matching scarves like Scarf Boy for me. They know how I get around scarves.
So If you missed that show on Friday, you have another chance to see them this Wednesday with Loop Station:
Amnesia, 853 Valencia @ 19th.
Show starts 9-ish.
$5... or $3 if you wear a pith helmet.