
Why I hate people:
NASHVILLE, Tennessee (AP) -- A man was arrested on charges of killing his neighbor's 17-year-old dog by place-kicking it like a football.

Thanks, Ukiah. You really know how to brighten my day. Why don’t you go light some babies on fire or something?

Well here is some lighter fare – John Flansberg interviews Stephin Merritt. Thanks AP.

An interesting article in last week’s New Yorker about human height and it’s relation to our dietary evolution explained that people achieve their stature in three growth spurts: Infancy, the 6-8 year-old age period, and Adolescence. Any dietary screw-up during these windows of growth opportunity can really throw the whole thing off: “Iodine deficiency alone can knock off ten centimeters and fifteen I.Q. points.”
Considering I spent most of my childhood eating mac and cheese and Halloween candy, I might have fallen into this height/health gap…as this cockamamie IQ test showed! 126. Low average for a lousy “Ph. D. at 3rd-Tier School.”
Or, alternately, as someone just wrote to me:
“You did worse on the test than a half-breed who drives a filthy Ford truck, has no money, and is currently cultivating a string of aliases based on broken counterfeit watches and Turner prints. One could easily argue that you are a doofus.”
I am that doofus. Who’s joining me at a third-tier university? Anyone? Mister Peepers?

I’m hitting the inkblots next. Perhaps all of these diagnostic parlor games are invented just to keep us third-tier intellects out of the second-tier, where we know we all belong.